Home Forums Vancura Slow Down Slide Duration

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  • #18665
    Andrew Moyle

    Hi can you tell me how to slow down the duration of each slide on the home page slider? I feel like they are just zipping by to the next one before I can even read what’s on them. I have tried increasing the “pause” field in the jquery.bxslider.js file but this does nothing.

    Thank you.


    Could you please give us your website url Our technical team will look into the issue.
    Thank you

    Jon Homer

    I’m also looking to slow the auto slider down. I changes every 4 seconds which is pretty quick. Is there a variable in a .js or css file that I should be searching for to update? I realize the time is likely in (ms) but can’t seem to find which file originates the speed, duration, or pause for the slider. Any help would be fantastic.


    Jon Homer

    He He… I finally tracked down where the bx-slider variable was being set so I figured I’d answer my own question for anyone else out there looking to adjust the duration the slider pauses. (hint: look in total-custom.js) I adjusted the bxSlider ‘pause’ value to 10000 for a 10 second pause before ‘fade’ing to the next slider. Now I’m curious what other ‘mode’s exist for the slider. 🙂

    Hope this helps someone on their journey customizing WP Themes.


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