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    I made an inner blog-site, and i dont like that the thumpnail/featured image from the blogsite is shown again in the single post itself on the top.
    Is it possible to switch off displaying it with a simple custom css?

    https://www.bad-design3d.com/aktuelles/ (in test)

    Thank you


    Hello Bettina,
    Copy below css code and paste it in Additional CSS tab to hide single post featured image.

    body.blog.wp-custom-logo.hfeed.columns-3 img.ht-page-header-img {
    display: none;

    Thank You.


    Thank you for your answer,

    what i meaned was to hide the single post image.

    .single_post img{display: none;

    did it. My fault and the lanquage

    Thank you

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