I have emailed multiple times regarding my page running expert lawyer pro. I have had no replies. I am having issues with the services and facilities section. The services section has decided to make the 3 services i offer 1 stacked apon 2 and also only shows 2 lines of text. I also would like them to forward to a different page instead of the blog page its currently running to. With the facilities section it is updated when i look at it throught the wordpress editor but when i look at it online it hasnt changed. The page is https:///finlaylawyers.com.au
You hadn’t set the icon, that’s why you did not see the change in the facility section. Now we have set it. Kindly check. For services section, download our updated theme and use it.
regarding the services block. The javascript or php is still putting 1 on top of the other 2. It also is only showing part of each title and each comment of the service.