Home Forums Laundry Master Demo Data

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  • #38031
    Gregg Groenemann

    I just bought the theme but I would like to install all of the demo content and settings. It makes it a lot easier to just modify. How can I do this?

    Peter Koshakji

    I am in the same boat and I sent an email to support since sales cant help. Were you able to get the demo data? Would you be able to provide the steps? Thanks.


    We are sending you a demo data xml file for the “Laundry Master Pro” theme. Kindly download it from the link given below and import it.

    Steps to import demo xml file:
    Go to Dashboard-> Tools -> WordPress -> Install now -> Run Importer -> Choose file (Demo XML file) -> Upload file and import.

    Here is our theme step by step complete documentation link given below. You may use it to set up your complete theme the same as our demo site.
    Thank you.


    Boa tarde, estou com muita dificuldade em configurar o tema, gostaria de saber se podem me ajudar ou se tem como venderem a mão de obra para configurar pra mim pelo menos a página inicial ou as primeiras configurações para que possa fazer o resto sozinho.


    Olá André,
    Enviamos a você um link de documentação completa em seu id de e-mail. Por favor, verifique.

    Ian Weir

    Hi, we’ve today purchased the ‘Automotive Shop Pro’ theme today and I would like to setup the whole demo (as shown per the live preview site) so that I can customise it. Can you also possibly help me with what the procedure is to set it up?

    If possible the best email address to use is timpricebowen@gmail, as Ian is the person who set this up and purchased the theme.

    Thanks in advance


    Hello Ian,
    We sent you demo data on timpricebowen@gmail this email id.
    Thank you.

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