FREE Charity WordPress Theme
The free Charity WordPress theme is an uncomplicated and simple but elegant WordPress theme for charity, non-profit organization, NGO, fundraising event, donation camp, campaign and similar welfare and voluntary service provider websites. It has a beautiful design to serve the needs of a charity website in the most professional manner. It is a responsive theme giving a great look on all screen sizes and resolutions without hampering its design. It is translation ready with .po and .mo files to serve in your local language to associate with people easily. Customization of some elements can be done like uploading logo and changing slider settings. To enable reaching maximum people, it is integrated with social media icons making your content and posts shareable on various social networking platforms. This free charity WordPress theme is extensively documented eliminating the need of taking help from others.
Its clean and
secure code adheres to the WordPress standard making the website bug-free. The theme is optimized for search engine results getting a higher rank to your site. It is compatible with third party plugins to get some extra features and functionality. Being a free charity WordPress theme, it is not associated with any plugin which makes it load fast.