For automobile repair mechanics looking for a presence online to widen their reach and improve visibility amid customers looking for services of an auto repair mechanic, this Free Automobile Mechanic WordPress Theme is your best bet!
These days every small service provider has gone online offering service to potential customers looking for the same on the net. Your job as an automobile repair mechanic is an important one, so why don’t you also consider taking it online! If you’re keen but feel pressured because of the cost and technical aspects involved in it, DO NOT WORRY because we have taken care of both aspects for you. We’ve created a special theme and offering it free for automobile repair mechanics which can do wonders to your business.
The Free Automobile Mechanic WordPress Theme will help you get closer to the customers you haven’t been able to. The online customer surfing the net looking for a mechanic who can help him or her with his vehicle! The best part about the automobile repair mechanic theme is that you need to learn no special coding skills to make it live. Within a few minutes the theme can go online and start working for you. It can give you organic ranking, you can run paid digital marketing campaigns to boost traffic. It is very simple to add content or edit existing content, make a fresh headline and put it up, change images, and so on…
The tools and plug-ins in the kit are user friendly and will help the automobile repair mechanic to display their expertise online without having to earn any special qualification or learn coding knowledge. The panels can be customized. We offer limited options for customization of panels keeping starters or new theme owners in mind. The theme offers a single page presence with separate sections to showcase different aspects of your business that you’d like your customer to know about as he connects with you. This is an interactive theme; meaning your visitor can connect with you, you can respond. There are social media link icons that will help your visitor to click and reach on your social media pages.
It’s a woo commerce compatible theme. This means you can accept payments online via a secure gateway provided with this specially crafted automobile repair mechanic theme. So if you are an automobile repair mechanic, it’s time to create an online presence using this super simple and user friendly theme. Drive relevant traffic and get more conversions and do better business. To survive in this cut-throat competitive world no other solution can offer so many benefits at no cost and such little effort. Go for it. Connect with us to get your questions answered if any!