The solar energy WordPress theme is a clean and green theme dipped in soothing colours with the power to take you close to nature and give an earthy feeling. It is designed to be used by solar panel producer and distributor unit, recycling company, organic and bio-product seller, non-profit organisations and communities working for protecting environment and nature, renewable energy producer company, environmentalists, organic farming and animal husbandry business, people initiating to protect forests, land, animals, water bodies and other earth elements and other websites dealing with the protection of nature and striving to maintain ecological balance to ensure healthy sustenance of life on earth .
This premium solar energy theme maintains a proper balance between images and texts. It is responsive and cross-browser compatible looking beautiful on various devices and browsers. It is translation ready, SEO-friendly, social media integrated and optimized for speed. With great scope of customization, you can change its background, colour, logo, header, footer, menu, images and almost every part of the theme. Its gallery gives you wonderful chance to showcase your work and attract maximum people to join you. There are various sections and each section can be enabled/disabled according to your needs. This premium solar energy WP theme offers snappy customer support and regular theme updates.