Home Forums Luzuk Supermart Ecommerce Pro – customizing problems

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  • #42533
    sarel Eloff

    Hi Team
    I am encountering various problems with the pro version of this theme
    1. Outdated versions
    supermart-ecommerce-pro/woocommerce/archive-product.php version – is out of date. The core version is 3.4.0,
    supermart-ecommerce-pro/woocommerce/single-product.php version – is out of date. The core version is 1.6.4
    2. Slow to load, even without content, D 69 / 100 with loading time of 19 sec.
    3. Slider image changes not functioning, nor does the HREF work properly
    4. Unable to size product photo size
    5. Unable to size categories Image size

    Really not happy with this, after you pay you sit with simple issues like this?
    Kind Regards
    Sarel J Eloff
    [email protected]

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