Home Forums Negocio Business Errors in my php log

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    My php error log is full of these entries. The theme functions has references to get_car_url and it clearly states it needs to be updated. I just paid for this theme and requested twice to have this issue resolved.

    Mar 25, 18:56:24
    The WC_Cart::get_cart_url function is deprecated since version 2.5. Replace with wc_get_cart_url.

    Mar 25, 20:20:26
    add_to_cart_fragments is deprecated since version 3.0.0! Use woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments instead.


    I would like to get these errors resolved, the function calls in your theme are depreciated. I asked for help for this and you wanted to gain access to my server, I just want you to fix your code. Is this not something you can do for your paying clients?


    We got your issue and we have solved it. Kindly send us your your email id where you want updated theme.
    Thank you.

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